Viewing Website Locally

There are four steps to viewing the website locally.

Virtualenv Setup

To simplify Python dependencies, use virtualenv. This tool can be install with:

$ pip install virtualenv

Then, create a new python virtual environment for python 3.6; make sure have python 3.6 installed before run this command:

$ virtualenv -p `which python3.6` ~/<anyname>/

A virtual environment named <anyname> will be created in home directory. To activate it:

$ source ~/<anyname>/bin/activate

The bash prompt will now begin with (<anyname>). To deactivate virtualenv:

$ deactivate

Configuring Python Virtual Environment

Setup virtualenv and activate it. Then install requirements with

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

If you are using Ubuntu, you may get compilation errors related to psycopg2. In this case, install the needed libraries with:

$ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python3-dev

Exporting Config vars

Django expects several environment variables on startup. For each required environment variable, execute

$ export <VAR_NAME>=<value>

The required environment variables are:

Name Value
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY Give this variable a dummy value.
GITHUB_KEY Retrieve this value from GitHub.
GITHUB_SECRET Retrieve this value from GitHub.
BASICAUTH_USERNAME Give this variable a dummy value. (you will need to enter it when accessing the local site)
BASICAUTH_PASSWORD Give this variable a dummy value. (you will need to enter it when accessing the local site)
GOOGLE_API_KEY Get it from team slack channel
GOOGLE_LOGIN_KEY Get it from team slack channel
GOOGLE_LOGIN_SECRET Get it from team slack channel
DATABASE_URL Get it from team slack channel
EMAIL_HOST Get it from team slack channel
EMAIL_PORT Get it from team slack channel
EMAIL_HOST_USER Get it from team slack channel
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD Get it from team slack channel
RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY Get it from team slack channel
RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY Get it from team slack channel
RECAPTCHA_TEST_PRIVATE_KEY Get it from team slack channel
RECAPTCHA_TEST_SITE_KEY Get it from team slack channel


It might be helpful to add these to a file that you can run whenever you need to export them to your environment. Just remember DON’T COMMIT IT!


If you want to disable basic authentication for the local site, remove BasicAuthMiddleware from cam2webui/

Run Local Server

$ python runserver